السلام عليكم,
- Tried studying Arabic grammar but gotten turned off by overly complicated discussion?
- Maybe you have a teacher, but aren’t sure how far you’re getting in your studies?
- Do charts upon charts make you want to close the book and put your head down and just forget about it?
What if you had access to an explanation of Arabic grammar that’s thorough but still easy to understand? What if when you open a book, it’s like someone is walking you through the material instead of delivering an academic lecture?
In Arabic Grammar Unlocked: A complete study of the Ajurroomiyyah, you’ve found what you’re looking for, and it will help you understand what you need to know إن شاء الله.

[I] find the posts on grammar very well done and easy to understand.
M. R.
I found this to be a relatively excellent source of information in the English language.
A. A.
A thorough, in-depth study of the famous Ajurroomiyyah, which needs no introduction for students of the Arabic language, with ~250 pages (more than 50 chapters) of no-fluff content. You’ll receive a PDF including:
- Simple wording, so you can understand the material easily without struggling through the stuffy language you find in most books
- Text from the original work in each section to allow easy following of the explanation
- Numerous examples from the Quran to illustrate the concepts easily
- Questions and exercises so you can test your understanding
- … and much more
Here’s a look at what you’ll find in the book:
- Chapter 1: What is speech?
- Chapter 2: Types of words
- Chapter 3: Signs of the اسْم
- Chapter 4: حُرُوْفُ الجَرِّ (The particles of jarr)
- Chapter 5: Signs of the فِعْل
- Chapter 6: The sign of the حرف
- Chapter 7: The grammatical status of words (إعْرَاب)
- Chapter 8: Implied status and fixed words
- Chapter 9: Four types of status
- Chapter 10 – It all adds up: Idhafah (the possessive phrase)
- Chapter 11 – Going high with رَفْع, Part 1: ضمة
- Chapter 12 – Going high with رَفْع, Part 2: و
- Chapter 13 – Going high with رَفْع, Part 3: The letter ا (Alif)
- Chapter 14 – Going high with رَفْع, Part 4: ن
- Chapter 15 – Standing tall with نَصْب, Part 1: Fathah
- Chapter 16 – Standing tall with نَصب, Part 2: The letter ا (Alif)
- Chapter 17 – Standing tall with نَصْب, Part 3: Kasrah
- Chapter 18 – Standing tall with نصب, Part 4: The letter ي
- Chapter 19 – Standing tall with نصب, Part 5: Dropping the final ن
- Chapter 20 – Getting down with خَفْض, Part 1: Kasrah
- Chapter 21 – Getting down with خَفْض, Part 2: ي
- Chapter 22: Partly flexible nouns
- Chapter 23 – Getting down with خَفْض, Part 3: Fathah
- Chapter 24: The signs of جَزْم
- Chapter 25: Words that take status using vowels
- Chapter 26: Words that take status using letters
- Chapter 27: Conjugating past tense verbs
- Chapter 28: Conjugating present tense verbs
- Chapter 29: Kinds of verbs and their rules
- Chapter 30: 10 Particles of Nasb (Nasb-izers of verbs)
- Chapter 31: 18 jazm-izers of verbs
- Chapter 32: 7 types of nouns in raf’
- Chapter 33: The فاعِل (Doer)
- Chapter 34: The نائب الفاعِلِ (substitute for the doer)
- Chapter 35: The مُبْتَدَأ and the خَبَر
- Chapter 36: نَوَاسِخُ الْمُبْتَدَأِ وَالْخَبَرِ (Influences that cancel the mubtada’ and khabar)
- Chapter 37: التّابِعُ لِلْمَرْفُوْعِ (The grammatical follower)
- Chapter 38: باب النَّعْتِ (The chapter on the adjective)
- Chapter 39: Definite and Indefinite Nouns
- Chapter 40: العَطْف (Conjunctions)
- Chapter 41: التَّوْكِيْد (The emphasis)
- Chapter 42: الْبَدَل (The substitute)
- Chapter 43: 15 types of nouns in نَصْب
- Chapter 44: المَفْعُوْل بِه (The direct object)
- Chapter 45: المَصْدَر (The absolute object)
- Chapter 46: ظَرْفُ الزَّمانِ وَظَرْفُ الْمَكانِ (The frame of time and the frame of space)
- Chapter 47: الحَال (The condition)
- Chapter 48: التَمْيِيْز (The distinction)
- Chapter 49: الاِسْتِثْناء (The exception)
- Chapter 50: اسْمُ لا (The noun negated by لا)
- Chapter 51: الْمُنَادَى (The vocative)
- Chapter 52: الْمَفْعُوْل مِنْ أجْلِهِ (The cause for the action)
- Chapter 53: الْمَفْعُوْلُ مَعَهُ (The object of accompaniment)
- Chapter 54: The remaining four nasb-ized nouns
- Chapter 55: 3 types of nouns in جَرّ
Plus as a bonus, I’m throwing in the answers for all the questions and exercises (20+ pages) for free. Perfect for when you get stuck and need help!
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So, you could try some other options…
- Leave your job and studies to join an intensive Arabic program and spend months of your time and thousands of dollars to acquire this
- Look for a nearby class that starts soon and rearrange your schedule for it
- Pay a tutor for hours of 1-on-1 help to get this knowledge (top tutors charge $50/hr or higher)
- Do nothing and be exactly in the same situation this time next year
Or get this book and actually enjoy studying Arabic, with light bulbs going off in your head…
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